America 18/70

Crossing the Atlantic!

Marilyn at Sea 27 July to 3 August

The 6 days passed in a flurry of totally pleasant experiences, starting each day with breakfast in bed delivered by the un-obtrusive Mathew, from Thailand. Then the day was punctuated with dance classes, drama workshops, Planetarium expositions, lectures, Mass at 8.30am (some days!) and a great programme of lectures – and actually lots more!

cabin 2014
The Planetarium

We had an opportunity to go ‘below stairs’ and appreciate the scale of the culinary operations.



Another big thrill, so relevant to my story was finding that our evening dining companions were Swedish! A key raison d’etre for the trip has been my interest in Swedish immigration and our route has been designed to follow in the footsteps of the immigrants captured in the novels of Wilhelm Moberg. Whoa – here I was making my Atlantic crossing with 2 delightful Swedes from Gothenburg!


I can’t resist sharing this next episode from life on board! Here I am celebrating in my cabin and signing on for the September  term at Winchester University.

Anyway, this life had to come to a close as I needed to muscle up to face the rigours of my US study tour!

Last check of the charts as we approach the Eastern Seaboard!

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Swedish Immigration to the USA

The detailed saga of the journey and life stories of nineteenth century Swedes is wonderfully depicted in the novels of Vilhelm Moberg. The second volume, Unto A Good Land places the immigrants on American soil and specifically at Castle Garden, the immigrant processing centre used before Ellis Island was built.

In the Land of Promise, Castle Garden, 1884 by Ulrich, Charles Frederic (1858-1908)

And here below are 2 other travellers wondering what the New World will hold for them!